Sunday, October 7, 2012

Question 2 Week of October 1, 2012

I used sarcasm to really reflect upon people’s insults. I really feel they don’t know how to interpret sarcasm. I was told the other day what if I steal a credit card number on a family member. I simple said, “I would steal the number” they simple said nothing in reply. This really strike people as is he really saying that as for reals or just too be smart? I find if you’re going to insult someone please do it in a matter of respect. I use sarcasm, when I feel someone is insulting me. Furthermore, I will not sit there an talk for a long period of time if I feel really insulted. I know when someone ask a real legitimate question. They usually don’t direct it towards someone.
                I use hyperbole to say when I say a basketball game. For example, I said, “the was the greatest game I have ever seen.” Yet, it was a great game and I loved it. Although it wasn’t the greatest game I have ever seen.

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