Friday, December 7, 2012

Dec. 3 Question 3

Some of the things I have known, I have become a believer but are not straight foward. One of the concepts that I would have like to have been further discussed (Self-Fulfilling Prophecy). Exaggerated or distorted expectations this is something that I have looked into dearly. While, facts are not clear cut one may wonder what the matter really? What makes things around us act a certain way? Furthermore, I would have like to see where this discussion would have taken us. The blogs I believe would have been really fun to read. Some would say this is not logical yet, it is a concept. This in fact is out of the ordinary. Although, ordinary is usually straight forward with all evidence pointing into one thing. While, that one thing can only be upon the logic. How come we don’t focus on what we may not know? I am just saying this would be really interesting and creative.

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