Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dec 3 week Question 2

My favorite thing was meeting my group over the phone; never done that with someone or people I have never meet before. It just goes to show how innovative our instructor Perez is. I have never though I would’ve taken a class like this ever in my life. I didn’t think that I would get along with my group members because of the fact I didn’t meet them. Well I had the best time with both of my groups even though we got to a rough start on some instances. All in all, “What team doesn’t have their rough times?” It is hard for me to say anything that was my least favorite, yet I kind of would’ve loved someone to challenge my blogs more. I love trading ideas or arguments. So, people who posted upon my page mostly agreed. Although, thanks for those who posted anything upon my page. I really love that you did that. What can improve… Maybe people posting one comment on every classmate’s blog. That would be pretty much it. Fun class…

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