Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nov. 18 Question 2

One of the great things of which I observed was a white lion. I watched a television program in which people where saving white lions. The program to save white lions; therefore, requesting philanthropy  where there focus is upon. The group said there was a declining and extinct “white lions.” They were doing research in one instance. The research was they put out these six lion. Yet, the loins where housed in captivity. This enables them to enter the wild life. The surrounding of the white lion must be to his advantage. What I mean by advantage is due to the camouflage. Therefore, it’s distinguish them to stand out in it’s surrounding. Therefore, the white color does not blend in. I used “Consistency with Well-Established Theories” which is in my writing. The “Relevance to the problem Under Study” is that the phenomenon can’t co-exist in its environment due to the lions color “white.” The testability was the hypothesis that they can survive in the wild, yet the lion where release and most of them starved. Thank you for your read…

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