Friday, December 7, 2012

Dec. 3 Question 3

Some of the things I have known, I have become a believer but are not straight foward. One of the concepts that I would have like to have been further discussed (Self-Fulfilling Prophecy). Exaggerated or distorted expectations this is something that I have looked into dearly. While, facts are not clear cut one may wonder what the matter really? What makes things around us act a certain way? Furthermore, I would have like to see where this discussion would have taken us. The blogs I believe would have been really fun to read. Some would say this is not logical yet, it is a concept. This in fact is out of the ordinary. Although, ordinary is usually straight forward with all evidence pointing into one thing. While, that one thing can only be upon the logic. How come we don’t focus on what we may not know? I am just saying this would be really interesting and creative.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dec 3 week Question 2

My favorite thing was meeting my group over the phone; never done that with someone or people I have never meet before. It just goes to show how innovative our instructor Perez is. I have never though I would’ve taken a class like this ever in my life. I didn’t think that I would get along with my group members because of the fact I didn’t meet them. Well I had the best time with both of my groups even though we got to a rough start on some instances. All in all, “What team doesn’t have their rough times?” It is hard for me to say anything that was my least favorite, yet I kind of would’ve loved someone to challenge my blogs more. I love trading ideas or arguments. So, people who posted upon my page mostly agreed. Although, thanks for those who posted anything upon my page. I really love that you did that. What can improve… Maybe people posting one comment on every classmate’s blog. That would be pretty much it. Fun class…

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dec 3 week Question 1

When the opening the book THiNK there’s a statement of a defense lawyer; “ who claimed that Adolf Eichmann was just following orders as many people would do.” I was stocked and still am, because I never really thought about people just following order which really create a new way of looking upon things. Nothing has really opened my minded more than that defense statement. I learned from this class how to analysis more life. Furthermore, I have done so previously in life. Yet, the book ThiNK has really put things into perceptive. I don’t think as I use too think, so it has helped me grow and continue to grow. Yet, I always challenged the books I have read because in my opinion, “What good does it do us if we don’t challenge the literature we read.” I have always had an “abductive and inductive reasoning.” This would make me a great lawyer but, I don’t think I will practice law. This book is great for the most part. The course I definitely loved, instructor Perez you’re great. I learned how to blog “innovation,” I love it. Thank you everybody!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nov. 18 Question 2

One of the great things of which I observed was a white lion. I watched a television program in which people where saving white lions. The program to save white lions; therefore, requesting philanthropy  where there focus is upon. The group said there was a declining and extinct “white lions.” They were doing research in one instance. The research was they put out these six lion. Yet, the loins where housed in captivity. This enables them to enter the wild life. The surrounding of the white lion must be to his advantage. What I mean by advantage is due to the camouflage. Therefore, it’s distinguish them to stand out in it’s surrounding. Therefore, the white color does not blend in. I used “Consistency with Well-Established Theories” which is in my writing. The “Relevance to the problem Under Study” is that the phenomenon can’t co-exist in its environment due to the lions color “white.” The testability was the hypothesis that they can survive in the wild, yet the lion where release and most of them starved. Thank you for your read…

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I must say that horoscope is really followed amongst many. In my opinion the prediction of my horoscope today is not accurate at all. While it is not an opinion it is a stated fact about that it is not accurate in this instance. I talked to someone about the horoscope which we talked how vague they were. Therefore, the vaguer a horoscope usually is the more you can follow into it. Also, creating in one’s mind to follow more.  I consider the fact that I don’t know no one with a new relationship. Yet, I would be truly happy for someone who is in a relationship. I kept to myself which means I am not going out of my way to go into someone’s life. This is surprising because I have yet to see this happened. This brings curiosity to bring me to what they may have too brought. I feel very strong. I kind of want to figure out if anyone is in a new relationship. It’s not accurate…

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Question 3 week Nov. 5

              Social Networking is the concept that I found useful or interesting. Yet, I have considered the time spend on “Facebook,” I use too spend long hours, I have deleted my account. Social Networking has its’ good concepts as well as bad concepts. Social networks shape our lives in the everyday.

                Communication in a well form is to think beforehand upon the message to send. This here take critical thinking, the form of word or action upon a picture or words can be permeate. Therefore, ones pictures or words can forever haunt them because they don’t know how to think critically. Take for example, there was a lawyer graduate who went to Jamaica to celebrate that she graduated. A big law firm saw who a picture of her of her smoking a joint on Facebook. The really created a bad reputation. While I believe Facebook is good we must think rationally. There is family, friends, influences, ect… but we must be able to us reason for post. Thank you…

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week Nov. 5 Question 1

Today my worldviews are being constantly being shaped; because there are different issues rising up. I have a basic openness to a certain point. The openness to hear people out and welcome there opinion upon certain matters. Yet, I usually will find people who contradict there own notions. Take for example, last week we discussion regulation on commercial upon the youth. On one side the statement of “Parents bear the primary responsibility for feeding their children.” This is contradicts itself because the parent in my opinion should take responsibility of what the child eats. I usually find the definition of the word or words in the content. This helps me decide which side I will stand upon. Yet, I sometimes try to find middle grown.

                There are times when one needs to see both side and say “okay” this works and that doesn’t. Yet, taking a little from both sides. For example, one has to look all over a law, we may have a vague concept yet someone else like Senators are looking at all possibilities. These issue are tough to tackle. So, I use inductive and abductive reasoning when middle ground has too be met. We can learn from each other in all walks of life.