Sunday, September 9, 2012

Concept pick-up

               Precising definition can be a boring through concept. The fact of allocating the right phrase may not leave the reader confused to what one is asking, or trying to communicate. I used this example even dictionaries have several different meanings, so they too may differ from each other. I found that source in Finance differ from each other. Although, Accounting number should stay constant. I also found out that Excel may differ from you day to day calculator. Answers may come out different.
                I must say keeping things constant and emphasing on the meaning which can deliver much better results. Being vague might consist of not getting the answer one is looking for. To say the least when looking for an answer, how you interpret? Take for example today’s day and age how around the world obesity may be found as a problem. Scientist put a cut off line for physician to look at it under “Body Mass Index.” While the index may say obese, the person may be a body builder; therefore, weighing more than what is the cut off point for obese. It doesn’t take into account he is an outlier. I hope this is helpful…

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