Sunday, September 9, 2012


                Most of today’s philosophy is hard push, whether one stands alone or stands amongst a group. Yet, concepts of the Death Penalty seem perspective. Sister Helen Prejean, “ the death penalty is a violation of to return hate for hate and evil for evil.” “People who identify themselves as Christians are more likely to support the death penalty.” The question is more of Jesus of Nazareth passage, “who taught us to not to return hate for hate and evil for evil.” Furthermore, whether this scriptural passage prohibits the usage of the death penalty?

                In closing I may not know a lot about religion, one may say how law and the judicial system would act on the guilty. Murder is a crime which is regarded a sin under Christian faith. Trading hate for hate and evil for evil says it is wrong in this passage. While I can’t speak for Christians in this spectrum of the death penalty because I don’t know the core value or am Christian. Sorry, this is all I wrote…

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