Friday, September 7, 2012

“Elementary my dear Watson”-Sherlock Holmes

               I grew up in a small town where not many people believe many possiblities. Even in the world of today some still don’t believe that the mind can accomplish abundance. I went to College, ran Cross-Country, full-time student, and was school student government President for my college. Here I was pushing my mental state of mind to see how far I can push it.
                I told my friends of all the things I could do. It really dawn on me as they would call me a “liar.” They couldn’t believe it that a person like I could turn around his life, and do so much in little time. My friends couldn’t believe that I got good grades. I am optimistic, this definitely helped me out. 
               My friends relied upon opinion and unsupported of assumptions, which I was drawn by my past. I really felt, “what’s the point of proving my time used.” Yet, I started showing them proof. The proof is set in stone, for I have certifications and paper work.
                Drawing an opinion based on critics, it didn’t leave them open mind for people to believe me from the start. This can throw out “what are the facts?” The evidence of facts are things to really collect the “Proof.” I just put this for the purpose of making a keen Sherlock Holmes idea, or how I interpret it. Key noted, I don’t share this with many people. 
                I hope this is useful.

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