Sunday, September 30, 2012


               The theory of evolution is that it is the survival of the fittest. God as being one is not incompatible because science is notion of proof. The notion of God is that everything already exist. The good and bad has always been. Yet, one God holds a higher standard because people need rules. While evolution is that we progress with our rules and as we move forward.

                While one say prove it the other says done. The first three maybe different the unmoved mover, the cosmological Argument, The Argument from Degree, and The Teleological. The only escape is to really rely upon that given to oneself. This is he who creates his own life becomes one. He would reassure that God does exist.

                Aquinas would have to use version from the scripture. This is the real assurance he has. Therefore, saying that faith is enough to believe that there is something greater. The proof of God existence is one and only. While, I think this is what Aquinas may say if he was still alive.

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